Writing Effective and Legally Compliant Job Descriptions

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While writing and reviewing job descriptions might seem like one of the more tedious tasks for HR, the importance of this process can’t be understated. Yes, properly written job descriptions can help keep your organization out of legal hot water in the case of a discrimination or wrongful termination lawsuit.

A well-written job description is meant to identify the essential duties and responsibilities of that position and provides employees, managers, and HR professionals with a realistic picture of job duties, as well as clear performance expectations and standards. They form the basis for effective job evaluations and provide a defense for employers in the hiring and promotion process, employee classifications, and disability accommodation claims should they arise.  

Unfortunately, many employers either do not have any job descriptions, or their job descriptions are out-of-date or insufficient. This webinar will provide information about the preparation and use of job descriptions in the workplace and how job descriptions can act as an effective defense against various employment claims.

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Download the PDFs for this webinar by clicking each link:

Writing Job Descriptions Webinar HO.pdf

Strategic Performance Factors

Sample Job Description Template - Annotated

ADA Job Analysis Form

ADA Essential Functions