FMLA 101 Managing Compliance Step-By-Step (Part 2)
Do you really know FMLA as well as you should? Does your organization have a thorough policy that covers all of the situations you might face in administering FMLA? If an employee tries to take advantage of FMLA, would you know how to handle it? Don't get caught unprepared. Your organization could end up in a tangled legal web if you're not familiar with the intricacies of FMLA. You want to be 100% sure that you’re approving leave based on facts, not on an emotional employee’s pleas. The only way to protect your company from potential legal backlash is to let the law guide you.
That’s what this session will do for you…get you up to date on the facts. This in‐depth webinar will provide you with a better understanding of the FMLA, learn to eliminate FMLA confusion, and understand how to properly administer FMLA so that it can work to your advantage.
Webinar Document Downloads:
• FMLA Administration 101.pdf
• 2022 Newfront Leave Comparision Chart (California).pdf
• DOL Employee Guide to the FMLA.pdf
• FMLA Employer Guide - DOL.pdf
• FMLA-Medical-Info-Authorization-Release.pdf
• FMLA Special-Rules-for-Schools-Addendum.pdf