Conducting An I-9 Self-Audit for Compliance
Identifying and Correcting Problems to Avoid Legal Problems and Penalties
Are you confident your organization is in full compliance with Federal immigration laws, or are you at risk of being assessed costly fines or, worse, for potential violations? For HR departments, the seemingly simple onboarding form and online immigration verification system are a minefield of potentially costly errors.
As a result of the increased enforcement by DHS of an employer’s obligation to verify its employees’ eligibility to work, as well as the increased complexity of the current I-9 form itself, it is more important than ever that an employer ensure that it complies with its Form I-9 requirements. An internal audit of Forms I-9 currently on file is a good way for employers to identify existing compliance issues and take steps to correct any errors in an effort to minimize future liability for non-compliance.
Employers should be doing an internal self-audit of their USCIS I-9 forms and processes at least annually to ensure compliance with the law. In order to do so, you must follow the guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Justice. This webinar will show you how to follow that guidance for employers on how to properly conduct internal employment eligibility verification Form I-9 audits.
This webinar will guide you through the I-9 internal audit process and what you need to know to stay in I-9 compliance: changes to the form … storage rules … over- (and under-) documentation … re-verification… document retention … remote verification … expired documents … timing … "no-match" letters … and more!