Best Practices for Creating Policies Around Employee Misconduct and Child Abuse
In honor of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, Poms & Associates brings you our latest Risk Control Webinar: Best Practices for Creating Policies Around Employee Misconduct and Child Abuse. This webinar is designed to encourage workplaces to increase awareness about child well-being, as well as best practices for identifying a predator in the workplace.
Our Risk Control Civil Rights Specialists will break down the policies schools and businesses need to have in place to protect all children in their care, as it relates to not only school employees but also coaches, volunteers, contractors, etc.\
Questions we will address in this webinar include:
- Does your policy require background checks
- Does your policy define acceptable boundaries with your children clients?
- Does your policy provide for investigations and documentation of all allegations of misconduct?
- Does your policy require that you keep a record of all investigations regardless of the outcome?
- Does your policy require language that prohibits “passing the trash”?
Best Practices for Creating Policies Around Employee Conduct Related to Child Abuse Handout.pdf