Workplace Security Trends in 2024 and Beyond

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Technology is changing the way businesses and schools think about security. From Artificial Intelligence (AI) to video surveillance, communications, and much more, there is a constant influx of innovative offerings designed to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of assets and individuals.  In our next webinar, the Poms Risk Control Team will delve into the latest trends in workplace security, examining how these advancements are reshaping traditional security protocols.

Moreover, our expert panel will delve into the crucial aspect of vendor selection when implementing new security solutions. With a myriad of vendors offering the latest and greatest technologies, choosing the right partner can be daunting. We will provide valuable insights and best practices for evaluating vendors, including assessing technology capabilities, cost, scalability, data privacy measures, and compatibility with existing infrastructure. 

Key Topics Covered: 

• Access Control  • Video Surveillance Systems  • Communications Systems • Vape Detection • Cybersecurity Advancements 

Whether you are a security professional, IT manager, school administrator, or business owner seeking to bolster security measures, this webinar will provide invaluable insights to help you navigate the evolving landscape of security solutions.

Click on the following link to download the PDF used in this webinar: Security Trends in 2024 and Beyond PPT Handout.pdf