Hiring and Onboarding New Employees for Success: Designing Your Onboarding Program

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A good orientation and onboarding program can mean the difference between an engaged employee, and someone who has checked out less than 3 months into the job.  This webinar tackles the ins and outs of creating an effective orientation and on-boarding program and processes to promote the successful launch of a new employee.

Research shows that a systematic comprehensive onboarding process is good business. In fact, formal onboarding increases the chance of keeping a new employee for at least 3 years by 69% and one study showed employees were productive two months earlier with an effective program. Employees get up to speed quicker and stay on the job longer when their first-year experience is well managed. 

You need to engage your new employees with great pre-boarding and show them what makes your workplace culture unique–even from a distance. You need to help them build the right relationships and showcase their talent and experience from their very first projects. More importantly, you need to make them feel at home with the right resources and support.

Click on the following links to download the PDFs used in this webinar:

New EE Hiring & Onboarding Webinar Handout.pdf

Hiring Process.pdf