Best Practices for Implementing the New SB 553 Workplace Violence Prevention Plan Requirements
Workplace safety is a top priority for businesses today, especially in light of new regulations by Cal OSHA. The Poms & Associates Risk Control Consulting Team is ready to help you navigate all the new Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (SB 553) elements, effective July 1, 2024. Join us for an insightful webinar to delve into the crucial aspects of the requirements and discover why SB 553 is not a “fill in the blank” of the Cal OSHA model. Our Risk Control team will also share best practices for complying with SB 553. Topics covered will include:
- Learning how to identify the pivotal personnel within your organization who should be involved in developing and executing the prevention plan.
- Discovering effective strategies for engaging employees in the formulation and implementation process, fostering a culture of safety and collaboration.
- Discussing valuable resources from Cal-OSHA, including the Model Workplace Violence Prevention Program.
Attendees will have their questions answered by our panel of Risk Control Consultants, who will provide clarity and guidance on navigating the complexities of workplace violence prevention regulations.
Click on each of the following links to download all the PDFs used in this webinar:
Webinar PPT Handout.pdf
Model-WPV-Plan-General-Industry-CAL OSHA.pdf